Omega to Alpha 2019
Facing The Sun III (detail shot) (2016)
Bath House of the Winds, Museum of Modern Greek Culture
Τhe artists are called to draw inspiration from Homer’s Odyssey, James Joyce’s Ulysses (where the hero, now a contemporary man, recounts his journey once he has reached his “destination”), and also Nikos Kazantzakis’ England: A Travel Journal.
The exhibition poses questions about the concept of “journey”, the “beginning” and the “end”, as a convention and as an existential dimension. The concepts of “time compensation” and “decompensation” form the backbone of the exhibition. It also addresses issues such as the non-linear narrative of the Odyssey as manifested in Homer’s techniques that enrich the oral narrative as a historical document. The exhibition proposes a holistic view of the “narrative”, highlighting it as an object that inspires systemic exposure not only on the level of the academic/research work but also in literature.